Thursday, 20 October 2016

License Your Most Profitable Entertainment Venture in India

Entertainment has now become the second nature throughout the globe. Many companies have come up with diverse ways to keep people entertained in most engaging way.  With immense usage of internet it has become very easy to convey the sources of leisure and amusement.  Right from movies, music to virtual games like Pokémon Go, Hover Junkers, Nintendo, Play Stations, Farmville, Candy Crush and many more are nailing the audience. Dream Works Animation has come up with most unusual animated comedy movie like The Boss Baby. Whereas Pokémon Go is creating rage amongst the online gamers not only through their computers but also through their smart phones. Currently there are many latest updates about Pokémon Go that could be the ultimate nails in the PokeCoffin.

Guess that you create an app that’s so much in demand that it was downloaded above 100 million times itself in its first initial month of its existence. It has collected in hundreds of million dollars profits and the PokeGods only how much revenue it made off from the ads of in-game. Moreover it featured out the way of getting the entire “Y” generation of gaming along with computer-loving kids off their collaborative butts and out into the globe. Probably if you are Niantic you can out someone who yet utilize a rotary phone in charge of making changes to an app for a defined smartphones. Also if the latest two updates to the app are any evidence Niantic could be digging their own grave.

Nail #1 

There are no more third party tracking tools as the company has decided to lay the hit down on all third party trackers making it impossible to cheat. Instead of making the tracking feature on their own app better, they made it impractical for any person to boost the Pokémon tracking experience.

Nail # 2

No more cloning or perceiving while you are driving. It almost seems like they want to culminate making monetary gains. Isn’t it so strange? Now suppose you are in a moving car and going faster than the adequate driving speed there shall be no Pokémon catching. People pay Uber drivers to drive them all over the locations at the requisite speed which works fine. But in case they go one mile per hour over the precise speed then you can ask for a refund. According to Forbes, Niantic has yet to reply to their request to validate whether this is an update or just a bug hence there is still hope that it might just be a defect.

These companies spend a lot on entertainment license in india, entertainment licensing which gains them not only high profitable turnovers but also the fame and immense fans. Hence the local entrepreneurs have welcomed these global companies with the assurance of phenomenal expansion and growth.