Saturday, 27 August 2016

Licensing in Sports Advances Drive in India

In simple words to understand what sports licensing is a legitimate contract through which any sports organization or team grants a particular company a license to utilize its trademark, name or logo on its products. The sports body is known as the licensor and the company leasing the rights is known as licensee. Due to humongous sports lovers in India there are many global licensing where sports licensing has set up a benchmark as these fan following support their favorite sports personalities or the sports team. It is reported that brand licensing in India has elevated to $450 million in retail where in sports licensing assure remarkable growth over the years. For fourth consecutive year with about 698 USD Million in royalty revenue the sports classifications grew on retail sales of $12.8 billion as per International Licensing Industry Merchandiser’s Association (LIMA).

With global retail sales of sports merchandise it has been estimated at $17.51 billion in 2009, sports licensing could offer a major boost to the entity’s small businesses.  Licensing sports commodities caters your businesses options to attain a market of sports fans that could be anywhere local, national to global based on the sports body. Licensing sports products caters your business prospects to stretch a sports fans market that could be from local to national or to global based on the sports body. LIMA determines that the essential long-term favourable for the sports category is the expansion of sports assets in wholesome food and beverage sections.

LIMA SVP Marty Brochstein quotes that “The sports market is built in large part on a solid base of core fans. The emotion that keeps fans attached to a team is a powerful sales driver. There are variations year to year based on ‘wins and losses’ – obviously, success draws more purchases from the core, and attracts more casual fans – but the basic appeal of sports-licensed merchandise is continual.  Some of the growth drivers include the major leagues in the U.S. paying more attention to the growth potential of the children’s market, and the women’s apparel sector, where they’ve gotten increasingly attuned to applying current fashion trends to the sports category.”

Hence any segment in the business of licensing in sports generally depends on the licensor and licensee’s capability to harness and influence the emotion generate rapport and loyalty to a team, a lifestyle or a sport.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Some Useful Tips for Securing your Brand

There are many quotes on brand stated by numerous notable figures that have created endless success stories for uncountable organizations. Licensing of brands plays very important role in developing major businesses for any of the organizations. License!Global reports states that around more than 150 global licensors have accounted in summing up around USD 230 billion. The product licensing has not only boosts the exposure of brand also extension without any relevant financing providing the companies entering the international markets or exhibiting new categories of products without obtaining the regular commodity upgrading costs and risks.
brands names by bradford license india
Brand Licensing
The advantages of brand progress and exposure by the way of licensing come with risks. Brand duplicacy and piracy have maintained the slightly rising trend in licensing. The pre-eminence of licensed commodities mingle with flair of exceptions making it more complex to the inconsistency between the duplicate an original. It is very easy for any branded goods to fall into the wrong hands or anyone can start an online store posing as an authorized dealer.  Moreover the offline black marketing has become very obvious. Counterfeit goods are now sold through the unofficial channels candidly. 

Apart from the supplementary threat is out-dated fashion enormous presentation. Increased brand exposure can also lead to the transfer from fake to original products while the economic climate of that market upgrade or unlimited spending hikes. So companies should stability brand protection with brand disclosure. It is very important to set, deliver and convey the brand standards very specifically and continuously. Also you will have to analysis the collectively of your brand existence in the market and also briefly reduce your own brand licensing and promoting the activities in case the market is being submerged by the unapproved products.

The pirated goods can never replace your brand in any way. It simply whets consumer’s desire for extra of your brand. Trademarks are companies’ most precious assets and lawful actions are at times essential for protecting them. The brand is the outcome of an absolute customer experience inclusive of services, location, communications, personality, values and above all shopping experience which is not only valuable but also incomparable. The outstanding motto of brand protection is that the best defence is the good offense and to be precise the ultimate offense is user-friendly and well planned brand identity. Hence it is truly said by Scott cook “A brand is no longer what we tell the consumers it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is”.